How Does Adult Invisalign Treatment Work?
Invisalign® clear aligners utilize the most advanced technology to give you your best smile yet. Using a series of aligners made with advances, such as proprietary SmartTrack® material, Invisalign treatment straightens your teeth with 75% more predictability. Plus, your smile is shaped more gently and with less pain and discomfort than braces.
The Treatment
Here at Amley-McEntire Orthodontics, we will begin by taking a 3-D digital scan of your teeth which lasts from 3-5 minutes. Together with our team of specialists, we will then craft a complete digital treatment plan, mapping out your best smile yet from beginning to end.
The Aligners
Invisalign clear aligners are designed to transform your smile up to 50% faster and are made with unique advances, such as SmartTrack material. Each aligner throughout your treatment predictably and gradually moves your teeth as you continue to live your life the way you want.
The Transformation
Throughout your treatment, you’ll see your smile transform, gradually revealing the person you’ve always imagined yourself to be. With the help of Invisalign clear aligners and your experienced doctor, you’ll discover how a series of small, expertly designed shifts can shape a whole new future.