Your First Visit

We are always welcoming new patients to our office. To set up your first visit, call our office and make an appointment. We will ask you some basic introductory questions along with your insurance information (if you have it). Your medical history form is available online, and we will ask you to submit it before your appointment.

Your initial consultation will include X-Rays and photos of your smile to help evaluate your orthodontic needs. The doctor will review these records with you and complete a brief comprehensive check of your teeth and bite to determine what type of treatment, if any, is needed. The Treatment Coordinator will then walk you through all the details of treatment including cost and payment options, setting up appointments and will answer any questions you may have. We look forward to meeting you!

Prior to your first visit, we ask that you access the Patient Forms, complete, and submit. They will be sent to our office. 

Appointment Considerations

The appointment for placement of your appliances usually takes about one hour. You will then see us at regular intervals from 6 to 10 weeks apart for adjustments, which are on average 20-30 minutes. Towards the end of your treatment, your appointments will be at 4-week intervals to allow us to put the finishing touches on your new smile. 

Amley McEntire is aware that unforeseen events sometimes require canceling or changing an appointment and we request 24 hours notice to cancel or change any appointment. No matter what the circumstances, when you cancel or change an appointment we remind you that your appointments are made 6 to 10 weeks in advance; therefore, we must schedule you with the next available time, which may add to your overall treatment time. 

After your braces have been removed and retainers have been placed, we will see you for a follow-up appointment to check your retainers and advise the status of your wisdom teeth. There is no charge for office visits during the first year of retention, however we do charge for repair or replacement of retainers and any additional x-rays taken following your final appliance removal x-rays. 

Help Us Serve You Better

  • Advise us of any changes in your address, e-mail address, phone numbers, or medical history.
  • Proper oral hygiene, avoiding harmful foods, following elastic wear instructions, and keeping all scheduled appointments enables your treatment to proceed ahead of schedule