Blog - September Issue

This month one of our fantastic patients took us for a tiki boat tour.

Totally Tiki Tours thank you for a great afternoon!

Smile & Play Date

The Barn and Shiny Happy Smiles hosted a fun event we enjoyed!

Our latest in office contest giveaway.

Blog - August Issue

Schools in Session!

Back to Routine and Good Habits.

For this topic, we are taking a deep dive into all of the important protocols to keep in mind to maintain good oral hygiene and successfully complete your orthodontic treatment. By maintaining these healthy habits, you are sure to keep your braces and aligners in good shape!

Brushing - Gently brush for a 2-minute duration 2 times a day. Brush after breakfast and before bed. Focus on brushing gently along your gumlines and remembering to brush above and below your brackets.

Flossing - Floss 1 time a day, preferably at night. Using products such as floss threaders and traditional floss, Oral B Super Floss, ORTHOgami Gum Chucks, or Plaques OrthoPicks can be useful.

Wax - Dry the area that is causing irritation with a q-tip. Apply a pea-sized amount of wax to the offending area. If wax is unavailable, a wet cotton ball can provide temporary relief when not eating or drinking.

Elastics - When elastics are prescribed, they are to be worn 24 hours a day or as directed by the doctor, except while brushing. Change them 3 times a day.

During your orthodontic treatment, please avoid hard, sticky, crunchy, and chewy foods that may cause damage to your braces. Below we have listed examples of foods to avoid and foods that you are welcome to enjoy while in treatment:

* Note that not EVERY food is listed below so please use your best judgment. *

Food to avoid - Popcorn, Nuts, Starbursts, GUM, Corn on the cob, Hard chips , Hard candy, Ice, Soda, Carmel ,Whole apples/ carrots (cut into bite size pieces), Inanimate objects (pens/pencils), Biting fingernails.

Food to enjoy - Icees, Ice cream , Yogurt, Soft tacos, Fruit, Mac and Cheese, Soup, Smoothies, Thin potato chips, Crescent rolls, Mashed potatoes, Cheese puffs, Cooked pasta.

Did someone say JIBBITZ?

Do not forget to ask the team for your very own Amley McEntire Jibbitz at your next appointment! Don’t forget to wear your crocs to your appointments and we will add extra points! We can’t wait to see you representing AMC all over town!

Fabulous Finish

Congratulations, Kristine!

What incredible results for 20 months of consistent Invisalign therapy. Great work!

Blog - July Issue

The Scoop on Dental Monitoring

Dental Monitoring is a software intended to be used as a communication tool between Healthcare Professionals and their patients. This amazing product allows our patients to take a set of pictures, also known as a scan, of their teeth by using a mobile application installed on a smartphone. The scans can be taken by the patient, a non-healthcare professional, or a Healthcare Professional and can be taken in healthcare facilities, such as a dental practice, or in a non-healthcare environment, such as the patient’s own home!

Dental Monitoring's AI is the first and only in the industry to redefine the way our office can engage with our patients and monitor their orthodontic treatments. This system has the ability to detect and automate 130 observations with images taken with a smartphone, including hygiene, gum disease, and tooth movement. Overall, it is a great system our office is excited to implement and we cannot wait to share it with YOU!

Game Night with the team!

Thank you Dr. McEntire for a great night of fun.

Blog - May Issue

This month a few of us had the pleasure of visiting a Pinellas Park establishment that's been around since 1956. Dom is a friend of ours and was gracious enough to show us around! Our favorite part of the day was witnessing the pride Dom takes in his trade and his family. We had a great time learning about the business and checking out the classic cars! Thank you again Dom! See you soon!

Forte Garage is a third generation family owned and operated shop. Dominic Forte, the founder of the company, moved down to St. Petersburg, Florida in the late 40's after the war ended. He served in WW2 as a mechanic. After the war ended he and his family moved down to St. Pete from Massachusetts, where he was originally from. After a decade working for Waldren Pontiac he developed quite a following. A regular customer of Dominic's at the time convinced him that he needed to start his own shop. That same customer believed in Dominic so much that he even loaned him the money to start the business on nothing more then a hand shake and In 1956, he and his wife Marion Forte, started Forte's Super Service. The business became very successful and in 1976 Dominic's younger son, Dom Forte, took over the shop. In the late 80's Dom began restoring some of the very same vehicles his father had worked on in years past alongside his successful auto repair business. Eventually, he renamed the business Forte's Auto Repair and Restoration. Fast forward to today, we decided to solely focus on vintage American classics and customs. Because we narrowed our focus, we are able to put all our time, resources, and efforts into better perfecting our craft.

Happy Mother’s Day from your Amley McEntire family!

This month we would like to raise a toast to all of the beautiful, radiant, exceptional mothers!

It is your day - shine like the mom rockstar you are!


Fabulous Finish

Look what 20 months of consistency and hard work can do!

This is one of our sweet patients who committed to his recommended comprehensive treatment plan using traditional braces and elastics and the results speak for themselves. Congratulations on your new smile!

Blog - April Issue


This month we are focusing on educating out patients about the importance of Observation appointments!


Has your General or Pediatric Dentist referred you to one of our office for an initial consult, but Dr. McEntire did not recommend active treatment at that time? If so, your child falls into our “Observation” status category.

Our team likes to refer to the next appointments as, “High Five Visits”. While these are fairly quick appointments, they are very important while considering your child’s overall dental health. Checking in with us every 6-9 months gives Dr. McEntire the opportunity to monitor your child’s growth and determine an ideal time to begin treatment to maximize our efforts and provide exceptional care and results.

While interceptive orthodontics is not recommended for every child, checking in with us every 6-9 months is always suggested!

Trinity Cafe

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” Our team had the honor of serving our community at Trinity Cafe which is affiliated with @feedingtampabay. We were able to serve 213 people! It was an amazing experience that we are looking forward to doing again soon.

Fabulous Finish

Check out this before and after of one of our amazing patients!

As you can see in the first picture, this patients upper teeth are fitting behind his lower teeth - this is what we refer to as an anterior cross bite or “underbite”. To correct his bite, the patient was compliant and worked diligently with his prescribe appliance and limited braces to get this beautiful end result. He has now completed his first round of interceptive treatment and we will see him every 6 months to monitor his growth until full comprehensive treatment is indicated.

April’s Contest

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week in May, our April contest is to nominate your favorite teacher and tell us why they are your favorite! We will draw the names of our lucky winners on May 10th. Make sure to drop your entry in our response jar the next time you are in the office!

March Blog

Dr. McEntire attended this year’s annual Virginia Orthodontic Foundation meeting in Richmond, VA! While at the meeting he heard from multiple top-notch speakers, connected with fellow VCU Ortho alumni, and brought back tons of new “gems” to the team.

Thank you VCU Orthodontics, Dr. David Sarver and Dr. Maz Moshiri!

Dr. Mc also had the privilege of attending Dr. Mike Brumm and Dr. Bill Strupp’s course at Clearwater Beach this past weekend. Thanks to Strupp/Brumm Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry for trusting us with your patients’ orthodontic needs!

Open House

We would like to thank our referring doctors who joined the Amley McEntire family to celebrate the grand re-opening of our 1st Ave St. Petersburg location last week! Our Main office was where the dream began over 30+ years ago with Drs. Ed and Dr. Rob Amley. Dr. McEntire has proudly carried on the Amley tradition since 2016.