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Back to Routine and Good Habits.
For this topic, we are taking a deep dive into all of the important protocols to keep in mind to maintain good oral hygiene and successfully complete your orthodontic treatment. By maintaining these healthy habits, you are sure to keep your braces and aligners in good shape!
Brushing - Gently brush for a 2-minute duration 2 times a day. Brush after breakfast and before bed. Focus on brushing gently along your gumlines and remembering to brush above and below your brackets.
Flossing - Floss 1 time a day, preferably at night. Using products such as floss threaders and traditional floss, Oral B Super Floss, ORTHOgami Gum Chucks, or Plaques OrthoPicks can be useful.
Wax - Dry the area that is causing irritation with a q-tip. Apply a pea-sized amount of wax to the offending area. If wax is unavailable, a wet cotton ball can provide temporary relief when not eating or drinking.
Elastics - When elastics are prescribed, they are to be worn 24 hours a day or as directed by the doctor, except while brushing. Change them 3 times a day.
During your orthodontic treatment, please avoid hard, sticky, crunchy, and chewy foods that may cause damage to your braces. Below we have listed examples of foods to avoid and foods that you are welcome to enjoy while in treatment:
* Note that not EVERY food is listed below so please use your best judgment. *
Food to avoid - Popcorn, Nuts, Starbursts, GUM, Corn on the cob, Hard chips , Hard candy, Ice, Soda, Carmel ,Whole apples/ carrots (cut into bite size pieces), Inanimate objects (pens/pencils), Biting fingernails.
Food to enjoy - Icees, Ice cream , Yogurt, Soft tacos, Fruit, Mac and Cheese, Soup, Smoothies, Thin potato chips, Crescent rolls, Mashed potatoes, Cheese puffs, Cooked pasta.
Fabulous Finish
Congratulations, Kristine!
What incredible results for 20 months of consistent Invisalign therapy. Great work!